Top Producer® X CRM: Importing Top Producer® 8i CRM Closings

Import closings from Top Producer® 8i CRM in to Top Producer® X CRM to have them available to you under Transactions.

The new transactions will include the important details of the closing, including the closing parties and notes.

Note: Only closings in “Closed/Paid” or “Closed/Paid Transferred” status are imported and tasks are excluded.

To import your Top Producer® 8i CRM closings, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Transactions in the main menu.
  2. On the Transactions page, click Import 8i Closings.

    Note: Only the responsible agent on a team may import Top Producer® 8i CRM closings.

  3. On the confirmation prompt, click Import 8i Closings

The import process should only take a few seconds. Refresh the page and select the Closed transactions status to see your imported closings. Imported closings will also be available in the Transaction tab of the linked contact records.

Once you have started an import, the Import 8i Closings button will be disabled until your next login.


Log in to import 8i closings.

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