Top Producer® X CRM: Drip Email Campaigns

Set up a series of emails and have them send automatically with drip email campaigns in Top Producer® X CRM.

Create your personalized drip email campaign in three simple steps:

  1. Create your email templates.
  2. Create a task plan.
  3. Apply your task plan.

Once the task plan is applied, your contacts will be automatically sent the emails you selected on the scheduled dates. See below for full details on how to get started.

Create Your Email Templates

First, you’ll want to create the email templates you wish to send. To create an email template, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Marketing > Template Library > Email. The Template Library lists all available templates.
  2. If you would like to start with a blank email template, click Add from Scratch.

    To use an existing template as a base, open the template viewer by clicking Add from Library. Select the template you would like to use, then click Customize Template. This will create a copy of the template for you to modify.

  3. Enter a name for your template, select a template category, enter an email subject, and the body of the email.

  4. To enter a merge code, such as customer name, click the Template button . Search in the template list for the merge code you’d like to add and click to add it to the email.

    The merge code will be inserted into the body of the email.

    When you later compose an email, the merge code will be automatically replaced with the appropriate information.

    List of Merge Codes

    Here is a list of merge codes you may wish to use:

    Name Code Description
    First name contact.primaryPerson.firstName The first name of the contact.
    Full name contact.fullNameFirstNameFirst The full name of the contact.
    Address contact.address The contact’s full address.
    Street address contact.address.addressLine The contact’s street address only (i.e. 1234 Main St).
    Agent name agent.agentName Your full name.
    Agent first name agent.firstName Your first name.
    Agent last name agent.lastName Your last name.
    Agent email agent.agentEmail Your email address.
    Agent business phone agent.businessPhone Your business phone number.
    Agent mobile phone agent.mobilePhone Your mobile phone number.
    Agent website agent.agentWebSite Your website.
    Office address agent.agentAddress Your full office address.
    Company website agent.companyWebsite Your company website.
    Office map link agent.googleMapsLink A link to your office on Google Maps.

    Note: Agent and office details can updated under Settings > My Information.

  5. Once you’re done editing your template, click Save Template.

Repeat the above steps until all the emails you want for your drip email campaign are created as templates.

Create a Task Plan

Now that you have your email templates ready, it’s time to create a task plan to use them.

  1. Go to Marketing > Task Plans Manager, and click Add Plan.
  2. Choose the type of plan (contact/transaction), enter a name and description, and click Save Plan.
  3. Click Add Task to begin adding tasks to the plan.

  4. On the Add Task pop-up, select the Email task type. Add details, additional information, and choose the team member to which the task should be assigned. Select the email template you wish to send.


    The Task due field indicates the date the task will be added, relative to the plan start date or previous task.

    Extra details for transaction plans

    If creating a task for a transaction plan, you will have additional date options to choose from.

    Once you’ve applied a transaction plan, if you change a date that a task depends on (i.e. inspection date) you will be given an option to adjust due dates for dependent tasks based on your changes.

    For transaction plan email tasks, you will have a Transaction Party Roles dropdown menu. Your selection here determines which transaction party or parties will receive the email (i.e. Primary seller, Primary buyer, All).

  5. Once you’ve finished setting up the task, click Save and Add Another Task to save the task and add another. Or click Save Task when you’ve finished adding tasks to return to the task list.

Feel free to add other types of tasks to your task plan to maximize your marketing efforts. For example, add a follow-up call after the first email to make sure your contact received your email and to answer any questions.

Apply Your Task Plan

Now that your task plan is ready, it’s time to apply it your contacts or transactions. To apply a task plan, follow these steps:

Applying to a Contact

  1. In the Tasks tab of a contact record, click Apply Plan.

  2. Search for the desired plan and click on the plan name.

  3. Click Apply Plan.

Congratulations, the tasks have been applied and can be viewed under the contact’s Tasks tab and on the Tasks page.

Applying to a Transaction

  1. In the Tasks tab of a transaction record, click Apply Plan.

  2. Search for the desired plan and click on the plan name.

  3. Click Apply Plan.

Congratulations, the tasks have been applied and can be viewed under the transaction’s Tasks tab and on the Tasks page.

Every morning at 2 a.m. (PST), our system will find any unsent email tasks scheduled for that day and schedule them to send at 8 a.m. (your local time). At that time the email will be automatically sent and the task completed.

You’re Done!

That’s all there is to setting up drip email campaigns in Top Producer® X CRM. Building the relationships at the heart of your business has never been easier. Start using drip email campaigns today!

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