Top Producer® X CRM: Sending an Email

You can compose your own email or send an email in seconds by using one of our pre-written email templates. We recommend that you first connect your email account in Top Producer® X so you can track your email open rates.

You will also have a complete record of your sent/received emails in both your native email account and Top Producer® X, no matter where you send your emails from. Sent emails are viewable under the Emails tab of the contact record.

  1. To send an email, click the Compose button and select Send Email , or click the Compose Email button in the Email tab of a contact record.

    Note: Set up your email to send from Top Producer® X CRM.

  2. All standard email options are available, allowing you to compose in your favorite font, add files, etc.
  3. Click the {{  }} button to view merge codes and email templates.

    Make a selection and the email will automatically populate. (i.e. “First name” will insert the contact’s first name.)

  4. Click Send Email.

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