Top Producer® X CRM: Lead Integration

Regardless of where your leads come from, you’d like to see them all in Top Producer® X CRM, right? Follow these simple steps to integrate with over 150 lead sources (®, Zillow, all major brokerages, and 140+ more):

  1. Log in to Top Producer® X CRM.
  2. Go to Settings > Lead Providers.
  3. Click Copy to copy your email address.


  4. Sign in to your lead vendor and change the lead notification email address to your email address. If you copied it in the previous step, paste it (CTRL+V) in the appropriate field.

You’re done! When a new lead email is sent to your email address, a contact record will be automatically generated in Top Producer® X CRM.

Forwarding leads from®

Your provider isn’t supported, or you want to receive leads from your own website

If your provider isn’t in this list, or you want to receive leads from your own website, we have several options for you:

  1. If your lead source is supported by Zapier, connect with our Zapier Integration.
  2. Manually enter leads in Top Producer® X CRM by going to Contacts > Add Contact.
  3. Email your provider request to If we receive enough requests for a provider, we’ll add it.
  4. Update the “Contact me” form on your website.


Can I use this email address for business or personal use?

What happens if a contact record isn't created for a lead? Will I be notified of this?

I'm already an existing FiveStreet customer and use the FiveStreet email address to direct leads into Top Producer® X CRM. What do I need to do?

If an account owner changes a team member's username, will this affect their lead notification email address? If so, what will the team member need to do?


Log in to set up lead providers.

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