Top Producer® Websites 101: Working with Websites Week 7 – Search Engine Results

Welcome to Week Seven of the Website 101: Working with Websites Self Learning Tutorial.

Join us this week as we: Explore the concept behind search engine results. Do you want to improve your search engine visibility?


Included with the Website are reports on how your site is performing. The included information includes unique visitors to your site, number of referrals from search engines and keywords used in the referral. The reports provide you with direct feedback on the changes to content that you are making to your Website.

Reports allow you to view statistics about visits to your website. To access all of the reports, simply click the Reports option in the main menu bar. You may also want to read about all of the available Report Types.

Being Google-Friendly

Although there are many search engines available on the internet, Google is the most widely used. Each search engine has slightly different rules for determining site rank in their search results. The good news is, the core rules remain relatively the same for all search engines. Optimizing your site for Google will maximize your results not only for Google, but also help your ranking in the other search engines. For more information see Optimizing your site with Google .


There are actually two different kinds of sitemaps. The first kind of sitemaps is a web page that lists all the pages on your web site. This can be useful for their visitors if they are trying to find a specific page on your website.

The other kind of sitemap, is an XML Sitemap or Sitemap with a capital S. This type of sitemap is used to give Google information about you web site.

A Sitemap is also a list of pages on your website, but it is not a list for you visitors. You must first create a Sitemap and then submit it to Google. This helps to make sure that Google knows which pages to spider and hopefully index on your website.

XML Sitemaps can also provide additional information about you web pages such as how often you update them, when the page was modified, and how the relative importance of the page.

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