Top Producer® X CRM: Transactions

Manage your listings and closings in Transactions (Log in > Transactions). View statistics, add notes, tasks and more. For information on how to add a transaction, see Adding a Transaction.

Note: Before using this feature, first connect Top Producer® X CRM to your MLS under Settings > MLS Credentials.

Viewing Transactions

The Transactions page lists your transactions. By default, only active listings show. To change the view, use the Transaction status dropdown menu.

To the right of each transaction are shortcuts to edit , add a transaction party , view the listing on® , and delete the transaction .

To find all transaction for a contact, go to the Transactions tab of the contact record.

Managing Transactions

Click on a transaction to open the transaction record. Here you can view all the important transaction details and edit/delete the transaction as desired. Add further information under the Document Links, Notes, Parties, and Tasks tabs.

  • Document Links – Add, view and edit transaction document links here. To add a new document link, click Add Link. Once added, click the link to open the document. Click the Copy icon to copy the link to your clipboard.
  • Notes – Add, view and edit transaction notes here. To add a note, click Add Note. Click an existing note to edit or delete.
  • Parties – View/add transaction parties here. Click Add Party to add a contact from your database. If you’re the responsible agent on a team, and have restricted team members from viewing all transactions, click Add Agent to add an agent so they can view the transaction.
  • Tasks – View/add transaction tasks and apply task plans here. Click Add Task to add an individual task, or Apply Plan to choose a plan.

    Note: For information on setting up task plans, see Creating a Task Plan.

For manually added transactions, clicking Sync with MLS will automatically update the transaction with the latest data from your MLS, including the photo.


Log in to view Transactions

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