Top Producer® Websites: Creating a Landing Page

Create a professionally designed responsive landing page to capture new leads and automatically send them a Market Snapshot®. Use your landing page to set up niche sites and capture even more leads!


From the Top Producer® Websites control panel, follow these steps:

  1. From the main menu click Edit Site. The Website Manager window opens.
  2. Click Manage Landing Pages to open the Manage My Landing Pages window.
  3. Click Add Landing Page and select either Market Snapshot Seller or Market Snapshot Buyer/Seller, depending on if you want to target sellers only or both buyers and sellers.


    If you have not set up your Market Snapshot integration you’ll be asked to do so here.

  4. On the New Landing Page window, fill in the fields as described below.
    • Page Name – Enter a name for this page. The name will also appear in the URL of the page.
    • SEO Title – The text that you enter in the SEO Title field appears in the title bar of the browser when your visitor views your landing page. The title is used by search engines to “file” your landing page in their index, and can affect search ranking.
    • SEO Description – Use the SEO Description field to describe the content of your landing page. This text could appear below your link in a search engine’s search results. Your description should be no more than three sentences. Generally, only the first 250 characters of this tag are read by the search engines.
    • SEO Keywords – Keywords play a role in your page’s positioning on search engines. You can use individual words or phrases.
    • Description – This is the banner text that will appear on your landing page. You’re limited to 55 characters, so pick something short and descriptive such as: What are homes worth in your area?

    For more information about optimizing your page titles, descriptions, and keywords, please visit the Search Engine Optimization section.

  5. Change the default image by clicking an image from the carousel.


  6. Under Customize Landing Carousel, replace the default image (if desired) or add additional images up to a total of four. If you have multiple images uploaded they will display as an auto-rotating carousel.
  7. Click Preview to preview your landing page in a new window. If you don’t like what you see, return to the previous window to continue customization.
  8. Once happy with your landing page, click Save Page.

Your landing page is now ready to be emailed to your contact list or linked to an ad to capture leads. Click Copy url to copy the short URL link to your clipboard.

Adding a Landing Page to the Menu

After you’ve made a landing page, add it to your website menu by following these steps:

  1. From the main menu click Edit Site, then Manage My Pages.
  2. Click Add Main Page and select Market Snapshot Page.
  3. Enter a page name, title, description and keywords (see Page Creation Overview for more information on page settings).
  4. Under Choose your Market Snapshot Page, select the landing page you wish to add to the menu.
  5. Click Preview to preview your page in a separate window. Click Save Page to save and publish the page to your site.

Creating a Niche Site

A great way to promote your Market Snapshot® service is through the use of your own single-topic niche site. A niche site is a website that offers a free tool or service that you are giving away.

From the consumers’ point of view, they will be able to obtain valuable market data on home prices and trends on the neighborhoods that are of most interest to them. Other benefits to the consumer and you include:

  • Niche sites have no other tabs, links or offerings; this keeps the consumer focused and contained.
  • The consumer qualifies themselves.
  • There is absolutely no limit as to how many niche sites you set up; all leads are centralized directly to your Top Producer® account.
  • Attracting leads outside the area you service can easily be referred adding another potential revenue source!

Start by registering a domain that is short and easy to remember. There are numerous companies that register domains for as little as $20 a year. Registering a domain is not complicated and does not require web pages or complicated administration; it is simply the process of reserving the domain name that you select.

Keep in mind you are promoting a free service and not yourself as an agent. Your domain should include your city, town or community and a reference to the service you are offering. Some good examples of such domains would be:


After you have your landing page URL, set your domain to forward to your landing page. Contact your domain host should you require assistance forwarding your domain.

Now that you have your niche site created you can then market that site using various creative methods such as…

  • Running small print ads offering free Market Snapshot® reports with your new domain featured front and center.
  • Create business cards advertising your new service and additionally put the new URL on the back of your current business cards.
  • Use creative marketing techniques such as advertising on yard/directional signs, flyers, car signage, and postcards.

Log in to create a landing page.

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