Adding Listings to Top Producer Websites

Your website provides the tools necessary to quickly display your listings. There is no need to manually create a new web page for each listing you want to highlight. Instead, the Listings Manager allows you to control the listing information that will display, and you can create a page that is specifically designed to display listings – all with the correct formatting and images.

The Listings Manager

The Listings Manager allows you to add, edit, and maintain the listings on your website. It is also where you can configure global settings for your Listings Pages. Read about Managing Your Listings.

By default, your website comes with a Listings Page that will display listings you’ve manually entered, and listings imported from your Top Producer account. This page can be accessed in your Website Control Panel by clicking Edit Site in the main menu, selecting Manage My Pages, and then clicking View/Edit next to the Listings page. Alternatively, you can always add another listings page.

Displaying MLS Property Listings

Since you control the content of your MLS Property Listings from within your MLS Control Panel, the Listings Manager doesn’t need to maintain them. Instead, you can create a Listings Page specifically designed to access your MLS Listings and display the last 6 months of Active and/or Sold listings. When you update the information in your MLS account, the new information appears automatically on your website. Read about Displaying Your MLS Listings


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