Top Producer® 8i CRM: Suggested Next Action

Using the Contact Status feature, you can assign statuses to all of your sales opportunities to clearly define where leads are in their lifecycle. Based on this status, Top Producer provides suggested next actions to take.

Once you have assigned a status to a contact, Top Producer provides suggestions on steps you can take next to ensure consistent follow-up and regular contact. In the Summary tab of the Contact Record, within the Next Call/Appointment section, is the Suggested Next Action button.


These next actions include sending a Market Snapshot, scheduling activities, birthday reminders and applying plans. You can click any of these suggested next actions to immediately send a Market Snapshot, book an appointment or call, view a birthday reminder, or apply an action plan.

Action Description
Create Market Snapshot Suggested for contacts with a New, Engage, Active, Future or Closed status. For more information, see “Sending a Market Snapshot to a Contact from Top Producer“.
Call the contact or book an appointment If no calls or appointments are currently booked, this action is suggested for contacts with a New, Engage, Active, Future or Closed status. For more information on scheduling a call or appointment, see “Creating an Activity
Upcoming birthday Displays birthday reminders you have entered for the primary contact or any associates.
Apply an action plan Suggested for contacts with a Future or Closed status. For more information on applying a plan, see “Applying or Removing an Action Plan for a Contact“.

Tip: For details on the statuses used to describe the stage of your sales opportunities, see Tracking the Lead Lifecycle Using Statuses.

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