Top Producer® 8i CRM: How to Print a Contact List

From time to time you may wish to print a list of contacts using your local printer. Top Producer 8i provides numerous reporting options that allow you to print contact lists containing various sets of information.

To print a list of contacts you must first perform a search to generate the desired list:

  1. From the Contacts menu, click Search for Contacts.
  2. Enter the search criteria necessary to generate the desired list of contacts.

    Tip: For more information about performing a search, see Searching For Contacts or Advanced Search.

  3. Click Search to generate the list.
  4. Select the contacts you’d like to include in the printed list by placing a check to the left of their name.
  5. At the bottom of the page, click Create Report.


  6. In the Create Contact Report pop-up use the Report pull-down menu to select the desired report type.


  7. Click Done to generate the report and preview as a PDF in a new window.
  8. From the View Contact Report window, click the Print icon Image - Adobe Print Icon to print the report to your printer. You may also save the report to your computer as a PDF, or download the report as a CSV or XLS file which are viewable in a spreadsheet program.

Note: For a list of all available contact report types, along with a description of what information they provide, click here.

Log in to print a contact list.

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