FiveStreet: How do I set up teams and how do they work?

You can setup teams on the Teams tab of your FiveStreet account. Think of creating teams as first creating a bucket by creating the team and then putting your agents in each bucket. An agent can be added to multiple teams.

Setting up teams in the FiveStreet system allows you to broadcast leads to other agents who have the ability to claim them. This broadcast system is designed to quickly get new leads into the hands of an agent who is available to followup with them immediately.

You can setup multiple teams of 1-50 agents divided based on any category you prefer. Many team leaders setup teams of buyer, seller, and rental agents to refer different lead types to different teams. A team can also be setup for just one individual agent. This gives you the flexibility to structure your FiveStreet teams to get the right leads to the right agents.

Once you have setup one or more teams, you have the ability to forward leads to those leads to a particular team by clicking a button in the text or email notification you receive from FiveStreet when a new lead comes in. You also have the ability to setup automatic or delayed-automatic lead forwarding to a particular team.

When a lead is sent to a team, all the agents on that team are given the opportunity to claim the lead. The agent who claims the lead first is given the contact information.

Log in to manage teams.

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