Top Producer® Websites: Report Types

Reports allow you to view statistics about visits to your website. To access all of the reports, simply click the Reports option in the main menu bar.

There are eight report categories, each containing reports to track who visits your site, when they visit, and what they view.

Traffic Summary Category

This report lists a summary of visitor action on your website. Different types of information are displayed on the report:

Page Views

– indicates the total number of times each page on your website has been viewed within the specified time period. For example, if a visitor views your Home, Listings and Buying pages, the report will indicate that your site has been viewed 3 times.



– indicates the total number of visits that occurred within the specified time period. A visit is a short period of time (20 minutes) during which one person views your site. If for example one person views 15 pages on your site in 10 minutes, that counts as one visit to your site. If a Web request exceeds the session duration after their last Web request, this will be counted as a new visit.


Unique Visitors

– indicates the total number of unique visitors within the specified time period. Each visitor is counted only once no matter how many times he or she visits your site within the specified time period. A unique visitor is calculated based on the IP address of the visitor. This information helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your advertising campaign by monitoring the increase in the number of new visitors as a consequence of your investment.



– The number of visits to your site that came from search engine results. For example, a visitor may search for ‘real estate San Francisco’ using Google and if they click from the results to your site, that counts as one search from Google. Knowing how many times your site has been found through a search engine is a good indication of how effective search engines have been in promoting your site.


Avg. Page Views Per Visit

– indicates the average number of pages that each visitor views during each visit within the specified time period. If you have a high average, it indicates that your site contains useful information to retain your visitors. If you have a low average, you may consider adding resources, such as calculators, articles, or relocation services that will attract and retain your visitors.


Avg. Page Views Per Hour

– indicates the average number of times that the pages on your website have been viewed every hour within the specified time period.


Avg. Page Views Per Day

– indicates the average number of times that the pages on your website have been viewed each day within the specified time period. This will help you understand what days have the most people viewing pages on your site, and how the number of people viewing pages changes over time each day.


Avg. Visits Per Day

– indicates the average number of visits that occur each day within the specified time period.


Avg. Unique Visitors Per Day

– indicates the average number of unique visitors you have received in a day within the specified time period. This information helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your advertising campaign by monitoring the increase in the number of new visitors as a consequence of your investment.


Unique Pages Logged

– indicates the number of unique pages that your visitors viewed within the specified time period. For example, if your website has 20 pages but your visitors only viewed the Home page, Listing Summary and Contact Us pages, the count will be 3.


Unique URLs Logged

– shows the number of unique URLs your visitors viewed within the specified time period. This information is identical to your “Unique Pages Logged” report.


Pageviews Category

The Pageviews category has four reports:

Pageviews Report – This report shows total website page views per day for the selected reporting period. When viewed with the By Time of Day report, you can determine which days in the week and during what time of the day potential customers are looking for information on buying or selling a property. Also, this information helps you choose the best time to update your site or publish important information.

Top Pages Report – This report shows your pages by name, ranked by most page views for the reporting period. A page that is not viewed often is a good indication that you should modify its title or its content in order to attract visitors.

Top URLs Report – This report shows the most visited URLs on your site, ranked by pageviews for the reporting period. This report differs from the Top Pages report in that it accounts for tracking codes and other parameters that might be passed through the URL.

By Time of Day Report – This report shows the number of visits during the different hours of the day. This precise data can help you choose the best time to update your site or publish important information.

Visits Category

The Visits category has four reports:

Visits Report – This report displays the total number of visitors you are receiving each day for the selected reporting period. This includes new and previous visitors. Knowing how many visitors you are receiving every day is a good indication of how much exposure your website is receiving.

Unique Visits Report – This report displays the total number of unique visitors for each day for the selected reporting period. A unique visitor is determined by a distinct IP address. Having unique visitors indicates that your website is getting exposure and attracting new visitors.

Entry Pages Report – This report shows the top entry pages for the selected reporting period. An entry page is the first page a visitor arrives at when they visit your site. Your site’s first impression is very important. This report can help you identify which pages are the most commonly used entry pages. It can also highlight pages you did not expect to be entry pages, which you can then optimize to keep a visitor on your site and drive them to your key pages.

Exit Pages Report – This report shows the top exit pages for the selected reporting period. An exit page is the last page your visitors use to leave your site. Knowing which pages are the most common exit pages allows you to optimize those pages to keep your visitors on your site.

Referrals Category

The Referrals category has three reports:

Referrals Report – This report shows which URLs have sent visitors to your website during the selected reporting period.

By Domain Report – This report shows which domains have sent visitors to your site for the selected reporting period.

By Host Report – This report shows which host names have sent visitors to your site for the selected reporting period.

Searches Category

The Searches category contains three reports:

Searches Report – This report shows the number of daily searches performed by visitors using popular search engines during the specified report period. Each day is reported separately and then all days are totalled at the bottom of the report.

Keywords Report – This report shows what keywords visitors are using to find your site for the specified reporting period. This can help you identify the keywords that are working and those that are not.

Robots Report – This report shows what known robots or spiders are accessing the site for the specified reporting period. A robot is a computer program run by a search engine company (like Google or Yahoo!) that looks at your site and adds it to search engines. Having a high count is beneficial as it ensures that your site is getting reviewed frequently by search engines and your site will be displayed in search results. If you have a low count of robots visiting your site, you might consider submitting your site to the search engine again.

Countries Category

This report allows you to identify the geographical location of your visitors. This information is useful in identifying if you need to be catering more toward international visitors. For example, if you are getting a large number of visitors from another country, you may consider having a translated version of your website.

Listings Category

This report shows the number of times a listing’s detail has been viewed for the selected reporting period. Listings that were manually added to Top Producer Websites, imported from Top Producer CRM or MLS Properties are included in this report. If certain listings have a low count, you may consider assigning them as a featured listing.

Leads Category

This report shows the number of times each lead form has been submitted by visitors for the select reporting period.

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