Top Producer® Website Wizard: Headshot & Logo

The Headshot & Logo step of the Website Wizard lets you add your photo and logo, which will appear on every page of your website. If you imported your profile from Top Producer® in a previous step, your images will already be added and you can proceed to the next step.

Images can be in JPEG, JPG, GIF or PNG format, and to make sure they appear properly on your site, both should have a high resolution.

Your photo should be a minimum of 200 pixels (width & height). For responsive sites a square image is recommended. For legacy sites, portrait-shaped (height is greater than width) is recommended.

Your logo should be at least 80 pixels (width & height). Landscape orientation (width is greater than height) is preferred, but square or portrait-shaped can also be used.

step 2

When you’ve finished adding your photo and logo, click Next to specify your header and footer info.

Log in to Top Producer Websites.

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