Top Producer® Websites: Daily Content Updates

Keeping your content current and up-to-date is very important to achieve and maintain a high rank on search engines. Web pages need to be current in order to be relevant, and any site you find at the top of the search engine results is likely updated on a daily basis.

This is because search engines like Bing and Google “crawl” your site regularly to see the most recent updates. If they “crawl” your site without finding any new updates or content, they assume your site is not relevant because it is not current, and your search engine ranking goes down.

Here are some suggestions on items you can add on a daily basis to keep your content fresh and increase your search engine ranking. More detail on each step is provided below.

  • Post new listings
  • Add open house information
  • Write editorial articles
  • Generate new messages on your main page about local events.

Daily content updates can be important for encouraging return visits as well as for search engine rankings. If you use Twitter or have a blog for real estate you can also add RSS feeds to your website that will display these on your pages. RSS feeds won’t count as fresh updates in regards to search engine ranking, but they will give returning customers new information when they are visiting your site and a reason to return again, which will increase your ranking indirectly.

Below are some helpful links:

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