Top Producer® X CRM: Integrate Your Email Account and Add Your Email Signature

Set up email to send directly from the contact record, see email history and track opens. Add your email signature to give each email a personal, professional touch.

To Set up Email

Go to Settings > Email Integration. Enter your email address, click Authorize Email and follow the prompts to complete integration. Add as many of your email accounts as you’d like.

If you’re integrating Gmail, a Google login page will be displayed. Log in to Google as you normally would. You’ll be shown a list of permissions that Top Producer® X CRM needs to open and send emails. Please grant all required permissions.

If you’re integrating a Microsoft Exchange email, such as Outlook, you’ll also be asked to log in. If your email is part of an Exchange server, please click Advanced Settings and enter your Exchange username and server info.

If you’re integrating an IMAP email that requires more specific settings, such as IMAP and SMTP host and port numbers, contact your system administrator or IT professional for assistance on obtaining this information.

Note: If you have two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled on your email account, please follow the prompts to log in.

To Set up Email Signatures

Once you’ve integrated your email account(s), go to Settings > Email Signatures. Add a personalized email signature for each email account you’ve integrated.

>>Next step: Sync your calendar

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