Whenever you log in to Top Producer CRM you’ll be taken to the Home page, or Dashboard. The Dashboard gives you a snapshot of key items related to your business – activities, prospects, listings, and closings. You can also search for all the contacts you’ve established and access your account settings, all from one central location. If you wish to return to the Dashboard, click the Home icon on the main menu.
The Dashboard is divided into several different areas.
Tip: It is possible to configure Top Producer CRM to show or hide areas (My Business, Sales Pipeline, Listings, and Closings) inside Settings. For more information, see Home Settings.
- Follow-up Coach: Follow-up Coach provides a daily list of 5 people recommended for contact, categorized by 5 groups. Contacts appear based on preset rules including the last time an action was recorded for them. This list helps make it easier to keep up with daily follow-up best-practices. For detailed information, please read the Follow-up Coach article.
My Business: My Business provides a summary of your important activities that are recently due, currently due, or upcoming and gives you access to your Prospect List. It also gives access to the Important Dates list.
Click the drop-down lists in the top right-hand corner to view activities for assistants or team members and activities for a different preset date range. For more information about the My Business area, see the My Business article.
Tip: Links allow you to open records in Top Producer. Any time you hover over text that becomes underlined, Top Producer allows you to open that record by clicking on the link. For example, if you hover over “Follow-up” in the image above, the text becomes underlined, and all you have to do is click the link to open that record to view its full details.
Sales Pipeline Section: Contacts appear in the Sales Pipeline area, organized by statuses that determine where they are in the client lifecycle. There are five lists available on the Dashboard – New, Engage, Future, Active, and Closed. For more information about the Sales Pipeline, see the Sales Pipeline support section.
Listings Section: View a list of your active listings to help you keep track of those that are close to expiring. The
icon next to the listing’s expiration date reminds you that it will expire soon.
Closings Section: View a list of your pending closings, sorted by closing date.
Tip: You can sort records for the activities, listings, and closings sections by clicking on the column name you’d like the records sorted by. For example, listings are sorted by Address by default. If you’d like to sort them alphabetically by seller, simply click on the Sellers column name.
Contacts Look-up Area: This area allows you to search for any contact and view a summary of contact information.
Click the View Contact link from an open contact to view the record’s full details, or click the email address to send an email to the contact.
Main Menu Bar: The Main menu bar is a list of icons that organize access to key features and records in one central location. The names of the icons represent the type of record or feature available to you. Hovering an icon, such as the Contacts icon for example, opens a list of submenu items that provide access to additional features and actions.
The Home, TPX and Billing Help menu items don’t have drop-down menus – clicking them directly will take you to that page. Clicking on the other main menu items opens a landing page for that section. They often provide useful statistics, provide an overview of available features and actions, and are designed to help you understand your business better so you can take more strategic action.
For example, clicking on the Contacts main menu item opens the Contacts landing page. Contacts, Referrals, and new Leads in the Sales Pipeline are organized into seperate sections.
- Information and Account Setup Links: These links give you access to product help and your Top Producer CRM account preferences and setup information.
Account Menu:
My Account: View or change your Top Producer account information, including your contact information, photos, and team members.
Settings: Opens the Settings page where you can set up different areas of Top Producer to better suit the way you do business.
Sign Out: Click this link once you’ve finished using Top Producer for the day.
Online Support: Click the link to open Top Producer Campus, our online community and support center for Top Producer customers.