You can create flyers that offer contacts tips and tricks to help them through the buying or selling process. For example, you can send contacts a checklist they can use to ensure they notify key contacts of a change of address. There are several types of pre-made Checklist Flyers available in the Flyer Library:
- Change of Address Checklist
- Home Energy Efficiency Checklist
- Home Security Checklist
- Home Service Checklist
- Recommended Service Providers
There are several email and letter templates (intended to be used as part of Action Plans) that include a comment saying you are including a checklist with the email or letter. The checklist is not part of that template, so you will want to follow the steps below and then include the flyer with the mail out (as a printout to go with the letter, or as an email attachment or marketing link to include with an email).
Tip: Before using the Recommended Service Providers template, you will likely want to create a personal copy and then enter the contact information for each provider. The other checklist templates can be edited the same way if you choose, but it is not required.
Creating a Checklist Flyer
Creating a Checklist Flyer is a similar process to Creating a For Sale Flyer or other property-based flyer, but in this case it is not necessary to select a contact or property to include.
- Click the Marketing icon in the main menu.
- In the Template Library, click Flyer Library.
Using the Show Category pull-down, select the Category of flyer that you would like to use. Each category contains the same flyer choices but each uses a different color theme.
In the list of flyers, hover over the Checklist Flyer you would like to use and click Create for Contact(selecting a contact will not be not necessary).
- Step 1 of the creation process (Select Flyer) asks that you choose your flyer template. Since you began the process from the Flyer Library, your template is already selected. Click Create Flyer.
In the View Flyer step you will see the final version of the flyer.
From here you have several options:
- Done: Closes the Create Flyer wizard and takes you back to the Flyer Library page.
- Email Flyer: Opens the Compose Mass Email tool to send an email with a link to the flyer to a contact.
- Print or Save as: Opens a preview of the created flyer on a separate Internet browser tab. From here you can print the flyer by clicking the Adobe Print icon
, or save it to your computer as a PDF by clicking the Save icon
- Edit Page: Opens the flyer in edit mode. Use the Editor to make changes to the content or the formating of the flyer. Click the Save Page button to save your changes.
- Publish as URL link: Publish the flyer as a URL and make it available as a marketing link that you can insert into emails.
You can view a list of flyers you created by going to the Marketing main menu icon and clicking Flyers. The Flyers page allows you to print, save a flyer as a PDF, email, or delete a flyer.