Top Producer® 8i CRM: Creating a Closing Representing the Buyer

If you’ve closed a deal and the seller is working with another agent, you can create a closing record without an existing seller or listing record.

  1. Go to the Listings & Closings main menu icon and click Add Closing to open an Add Closing form.
  2. The Add Closing form opens for you to enter the closing information.
  3. The Add Closing form is made up of 5 segments that organize the closing information.

    1. Representation segment: Select the Buyer option button to indicate you represent the buyer.
    2. Closing Address segment: Enter the property type and the address of the buyer’s new property.
    3. Seller segment: Enter the contact information and decide if you want to add the contact for this closing only, or if you want to permanently add the contact to your database by unchecking the Do not show this contact in my list of contacts check box.

      8i Create Closing

    4. Buyer segment: To enter buyer information, find the buyer’s contact record from the Contacts Look-up tool and drag and drop the record onto the buyer Name field. If the buyer is not yet an existing contact, you can enter the buyer contact information.
    5. Closing Information segment: Set the closing’s status, sale price, commission, and closing dates. By default the acceptance date is today, the closing is two months ahead and the possession a month after that, but you can change any of these dates.

      8i Create Closing

  4. Once you’ve added all the required information, click the Save & Add More Details button to save the closing and open the Closing Details form. Alternatively, you can click the Add Closing button to save the closing and return to the Closings Summary page.

    Note: If you’re part of a team or partnership account, you have the ability to select the listing and selling agents. If you represent only the seller, then only the listing agent field appears. If you represent only the buyer, only the selling agent appears.

Log in to create a closing representing the buyer.

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