Top Producer® 8i CRM: Viewing your Prospect List

There are two areas in Top Producer CRM where you can view your list of prospects – the My Prospects tab on the Dashboard and the Prospect List page (via the Calendar > Prospect List menu item). The number of prospects displayed in these two lists varies.

  • My Prospects: This is a short list of prospects. Top Producer CRM prioritizes your prospects and displays those that may be considered higher priority in the short list. For details on how Top Producer determines prospect priority, see the Viewing your short list section below.
  • Prospect List screen: This is your complete prospect list. All of the contacts matching the criteria you have chosen to apply appear in this list. For more information, see the Viewing your complete Prospect List section below.

Note: It is good practice to refresh your Prospect List frequently to ensure the list is current and accurate. For more information, see Refreshing Your Prospect List.

Viewing Your Short List

When your Prospect List is generated, Top Producer CRM also creates a short list in My Prospects and prioritizes your prospects to make it easier for you to determine who to focus on. To view the My Prospects (short list) click on the My Prospects icon on the Dashboard in the My Business section.

Your short list of prospects displays.


From the My Prospects section you can:

  1. Click Edit Settings to set the criteria that will determine the contacts to be included in your Prospect list. For more information see the articles How to Generate a Prospect List using Pre-defined Criteria and How to Generate a Prospect List using Custom Criteria.
  2. Easy Access Icons: Clicking on these icons gives you a quick way to view property and contact information contact-info-icon, add notes add-note-icon, mark done mark-done-icon, or exclude or remove the contact from the list remove-exclude-icon.
  3. Click Create Report to bring up the Create Prospect Report pop-up and then use the Report pull-down to select the desired report type.

Top Producer CRM prioritizes the importance of prospects based on why they were added to the list. Initially, up to 40 prospects will be added to the short list.

Note: As records in your short list are marked done, removed or excluded, no new records are added. Only those records that you add manually will be added to the short list after its initial creation.

The order in which prospects are added to the short list are based on the following order of priority:

  1. Records you manually add.
  2. If you have less thean 40 prospects records manually added, then Top Producer will add prospects based on Basic criteria.
  3. If there is still less than 40 prospects after the first two steps then it will add prospects based on the Advanced criteria.
  4. Lastly, if there is still less than 40 prospects after going through steps 1 to 3 then Top Producer will add prospects based on Contacts Statuses selected in your Custom Settings.

Viewing Your Complete Prospect List

From this page you can display your complete Prospect List or choose to display only prospects that match a particular criterion. For example, you can display only those contacts that are ready to buy/sell soon that you have not contacted for 7 days.

To view your complete Prospect List:

  1. From the main menu, hover over the Calendar menu.
  2. Click on Prospect List.
  3. prospect-list-menu

Your complete Prospect List appears. By default, all prospects-regardless of why they were added to the list-appear.


  1. Click Show breakdown to display prospects matching a specific criteria such as Manually Added, New leads, never contacted, Viewed Market Snapshot, 7days.


  2. Click the Refresh List icon refresh_prospect_list_icon to refresh your prospect list.
  3. Click Edit Settings to set the criteria that will determine the contacts to be included in your Prospect list.
  4. Easy Access Icons: Clicking on these icons gives you a quick way to view property and contact information contact-info-icon, add notes add-note-icon, mark done mark-done-icon, or exclude or remove the contact from the list remove-exclude-icon.
  5. Click Create Report to bring up the Create Prospect Report pop-up and then use the Report pull-down to select the desired report type.

Log in to view your Prospect List.

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