Top Producer® 8i CRM: Removing Contacts From your Prospect List

You can remove a single contact from your Prospect List, or remove multiple contacts. As soon as you remove records from the Prospect List, the list is immediately updated to no longer include that record. You do not have to refresh the Prospect List after removing records.

Note: After refreshing the list, any contacts meeting the criteria you have chosen to apply will reappear in the list, including any records you have chosen to remove. If you not only want to remove the contact from the current list, but also prevent the contact from appearing on future lists, you must exclude the contact from the Prospect List. For more information, see Excluding Contacts From Your Prospect List.

To remove contacts from your Prospect List:

  1. From the main menu, hover over the Calendar menu and click Prospect List.


  2. To remove:

    • A single contact: Click the adjacent Remove or Exclude from List icon PS_remove_icon. Click Remove when prompted.
    • Multiple contacts: Select the check boxes beside the records you want to remove, or select the check box in the table header to select every contact/lead record.


      Click the Mass Remove link then the Mass Remove confirmation dialog box will be displayed. Click the Yes button to remove the contacts from your prospects list.


  3. The contacts are immediately removed from your Prospect List.

Log in to remove contacts from your Prospect List.

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