Once you begin your prospecting efforts, it’s important to keep track of the actions you have taken by marking activities done. You can also record the details from any conversations you have had, and schedule a follow-up call so you can ensure regular communication with the prospect continues.
Tip: Any notes you have recorded, prospecting activities you have marked done, and follow-up calls you have scheduled appear on the Prospect Activity Report. For more information on generating this report, see Creating a Prospect Report.
To record details from conversations:
From the main menu, hover over the Calendar menu and click Prospect List.
- Click the Add Contact Note icon,
to the far right of the contact you want to record details for.
Compose the body of the note, and then click Save Note. Below the body of the note the date and time fields are automatically populated as well as the creator of the note (which defaults to the name associated with the account you are currently logged in as). Any of these fields can be changed by clicking in them.
- The note is saved and can be viewed from the Contact Record’s Summary tab.
To record a completed activity and assign a follow-up call:
To mark an activity done and schedule a follow-up call you want to click on the Mark Done icon
to the far right of the contact you want then the Add Completed Activity pop-up window will appear.
- When the Add Completed Activity window appears you will want to select if the activity type whether it was a Call or an Email. You can then enter in a meaningful description and any notes you would like to add regarding this activity. At the bottom of this window you can easily schedule a follow-up call for that prospect specifying the Description, Date and who the activity is assigned to.
- Click Save or Save & View Contact when finished.