Top Producer® 8i CRM: Creating an Activities Report

Top Producer CRM includes the ability to search within your activities by Date Range and then generate a report for these incomplete and outstanding activities.

  1. Navigate to your Activities Summary list by selecting Activities Summary from within the Calendar menu.
  2. By default, the Date Range is set to display incomplete activities due within the last two weeks. If you would like to create a report containing different activities, enter a new date range and use the Type, Status, and Assigned To drop-downs to select different options and then click Show Activities.

    The options available to refine your list of activities in the Activities Summary

  3. If not generating a report of all activities, place a check next to each activity you’d like to include in the report.
  4. Click the Create Report option at the bottom of the activities list.
  5. In the pop-up, use the Report pull-down menu to select your desired report:

    Report Creation Options

    • Daily Schedule Report (Activities by Date): Includes all activities in the specified date range, ordered by date.
    • All Activities Report (Activities by Type): Includes all activities in the specified date range, organized by activity type.
    • Selected All Activities Report: Includes all of the activites you selected from the list.
  6. Click Done. Your activities report is now generated in a new tab or window.

Log in to create an activities report.

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