Top Producer® 8i CRM: Marking an Activity Done

Once you’ve completed your activity, mark it as done to remove it from your pending activities. This allows you to focus on tasks you need to complete.

Activities can be marked as done in three ways:

  • By clicking the Mark Done 1 icon beside activities when they’re displayed in a list, such as on the Activities Summary page.
  • By clicking the Mark Done link when opening an activity on the Activity Details form.
  • By viewing a specific activity type list (such as To-Dos) on the Activities Summary page, placing a checkmark next to multiple activities, and clicking Mass Mark Done.

You can also mark an activity as done without actually performing the task. For example, if you no longer need to send a scheduled email, you can mark it as done.

Once an activity is marked done, its details can’t be changed.

Viewing Completed Activities

You can view completed activities from these locations:

  1. From the Activities Summary page: Change the Status to Complete and click Show Activities.
  2. From a linked record: Go to the Activities tab of a contact, listing, or closing record, and select “Complete” from the Show drop-down list.

Marking a Done Activity as Undone

If you’ve marked an activity done by mistake, you can search for the completed activity and click the Undo Mark Done 8i Mark Done Activity icon beside the activity (when displayed in a list) or the Undo Mark Undone link when opening the completed activity on a form. The activity is placed back in the incomplete views of the various activity management tools. Please note that it is not possible to use the Undo Mark Done feature for an email activity.

Log in to mark an activity done.

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