Top Producer Mobile: Wrapping Up Touchpoints and Activities

Recording successful touchpoints helps you track what actions you have taken and focus on the tasks that still require attention. Whenever you place a call and send an email, text message or Market Snapshot, you are prompted to record the details and schedule a follow-up activity. In addition, you can wrap up an activity-call, to-do or appointment-after you mark it done.

Tip: Once recorded, you can view the complete activity from both the Calendar and List views in My Business.

Wrapping Up Touchpoints

Whenever you place a call or send an email, text message or Market Snapshot in Top Producer Mobile, the Wrap Up page appears.


  1. Displays any contacts associated with the touchpoint.
  2. Tap to record that a call was made or an email or text message was sent. This step is not necessary when wrapping up a Market Snapshot.

    Tip: If prompted, set the contact’s status to reflect where the contact is in the lead lifecycle. For details, see number 3 in the Wrapping Up Activity section below.

  3. Tap to record touchpoint details.
  4. Tap to schedule another call, appointment or to-do activity to ensure regular contact.

Wrapping Up an Activity

Whenever you record a completed activity in Top Producer Mobile, the Wrap Up Activity page appears.


  1. Displays any contacts and properties associated with the activity.
  2. Mark the activity complete to remove it from your list of incomplete tasks.
  3. Available when one contact is linked to the activity and has a status of either New or Engage. Set the contact’s status to reflect where they are in the lead lifecycle. For example, if you just marked a call complete and determined that the contact is ready to buy/sell soon, set the status to Active to indicate a short-term opportunity.

    Tip: For more information on using statuses to track the progress of your sales opportunities, see Tracking the Lead Lifecycle Using Statuses.

  4. Record any details about the activity. Any notes you enter appear in the activity record and any associated contact and property records.
  5. Schedule an activity to ensure you complete the next required task. The follow-up activity appears in the Contact Record of any associated contacts. In addition, if the activity is linked to a property, the activity appears in the Listing or Closing Record.

Log in to wrap up touchpoints and activities.

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