Account Statuses

If you account has a status of Active, you will be able to log in normally and use your account. If your account is not Active, you may see a pop-up message each time you log in to your account or be denied access, depending on the current status. Please read below for more information about account statuses.

For how to update your payment information, please see How to Download Invoices or Update Your Payment Information.


An account status of Active means your account is fully available, up to date and is functioning normally.


An account status of Probation means that a single payment for your subscription has been missed. Your subscription has a 30-day grace period to allow you some time to resolve the payment problem while still retaining access to your subscription. When you attempt to login to an account that is in Probation you will receive a notification pop-up window.

Click Continue on the probation notice screen to enter your account. Once payment has been processed for the outstanding amount, the notice will disappear. Our billing system will automatically retry from time to time to collect the payment.


An account status of Suspended means that a second monthly payment for your subscription was unable to be automatically processed. While your account is still intact, access to the subscription is suspended until the monthly payments are brought up to date. Our billing system will automatically retry from time to time to collect the payment. To update your billing information you will need to contact a Top Producer representative.

Website subscriptions will show the website as “under construction”.


A status of Closed means your subscription is no longer functional and user access is denied after missing a third consecutive monthly payment. Your subscription may at this point still be fully recovered, including all data, customizations and settings.

How can I cancel my account?

If you wish to cancel your account, please contact Customer Care through Live Chat (bottom-right of this page or within your Top Producer product) to discuss your options.

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