Adding a Market Snapshot Widget Web Box to a Top Producer Website

The following instructions assume you have already completed the setup of Market Snapshot. For more information about setting up Market Snapshot, click here.

Linking Top Producer Websites and Market Snapshot

Note: It is only necessary to complete this step once. If you have already linked your website to Market Snapshot, you may skip this step.

  1. Log in to your Website.
  2. Select My Account.
  3. Select Third Party Integration Setup.
  4. Enter your Market Snapshot username and password.
  5. Click OK to save your changes.

Once you have completed linking your Market Snapshot account with Top Producer Websites you can add a Market Snapshot web box to any Top Producer Website page.

Creating a Market Snapshot Web Box in your Top Producer Website

  1. Log in to your Website.
  2. Select Edit Site.
  3. Select Manage My Web Boxes.
  4. Under Add a New Web Box, select the Market Snapshot web box type.
  5. Click on Market Snapshot.
  6. Give the new web box a title. (i.e. Market Snapshot or Local Market Conditions). You can choose to display or hide the title of the web box using the Display Title option.
  7. Click OK to create the web box.

Adding the Market Snapshot Widget to a Top Producer Website page

  1. Log in to your Website.
  2. Select Edit Site.
  3. Select Manage My Web Boxes.
  4. Select the Market Snapshot Web Box created in the previous step.
  5. Under the Add Selected Web Box to section, click the check box next to each page for which you would like the web box to appear.
  6. Click Done to save your changes.

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