Top Producer® 8i CRM: Step 3 of 4 – Assistant Account SetupStep 3 of 4 – Assistant Account Setup

The Assistant Information step allows you to create an account for your assistant.

Assistant Setup

Free up more time by granting your assistant access to information you’ve selected, to carry out duties on your behalf. This option is only available if you’ve purchased an Assistant license.

  1. Click the Add Assistant link at the bottom left. A form opens to enter your assistant details.

    Click Add Assistant

  2. In the Name Details and Login Information segment, enter the assistant’s name and login information. If you have a team account, you’ll see a drop-down list called Default Agent. Open the list to select an agent.

    Assistant Details and Login Information

    Important: The assistant username must be unique across all Top Producer CRM users, and it cannot be edited after the account is created. Changing an assistant username requires deleting and recreating the account. It is recommended that you choose a generic username for this account, such as yournameassistant.

  3. In the Contact Info segment, enter your assistant’s contact information, such as phone numbers and email address.

    Assistant Contact Info

  4. In the Assign Licenses and Feature Access segment, you can give your assistant permissions to view your activities on your calendar, create email messages on your behalf, or use other Top Producer applications.

    Assign Assistant Licenses and Feature Access

  5. Once you’ve finished filling in your assistant information, click the Save Assistant Info button. You should now see your assistant listed under the Assistant Information segment.
  6. When finished creating the assistant account, click Next.

    Click Next

Tip: You can also create an assistant account after completing the Setup Wizard by going to My Account. Go to the Team Members tab, click the Assistants button, and click the Add Assistant link.

Log in to Top Producer CRM.

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